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The Fatal Routine

The Fatal Routine

30 jours de transformation

Regular price €237.00
Regular price €367.00 Sale price €237.00
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  • INCLUS :
  • 30 Jours de routines ensemble
  • Contenu exclusif
  • Accès à vie à la Routine Fatale
  • 2 ebooks offerts

Pour en savoir plus à propos du contenu de cette routine, je t'invite à lire les détails ci-dessous.

This program is a 30-day immersion in which I personally guide you. Every morning from March 1 to 30, from 7 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. (then available for rebroadcast for life).

Join me live and online for a profoundly transformative experience. Together we will explore the secrets and practices that will allow you to reveal the femme fatale in you .

Imagine ...

  • You're fulfilled and irresistible
  • You captivate the attention of everyone you meet
  • You've activated your dark feminine energy
  • You've become a real Femme Fatale
  • You're magnetic and seductive
  • Your personal power is abnormally high
  • You attract everything you desire
  • Men fall at your feet
  • They're eager to please you, satisfy you, adore you, love you

This aura is not reserved for a privileged few, it is within your reach, right now.

If you feel the burning desire to become this ultimate version of yourself, then let me tell you a secret: it all starts with a routine.

Why a routine?

Quite simply because it is the one and only method that will propel you towards your wildest dreams.

People can sell you all kinds of miracle recipes, but if you don't keep up your efforts on a daily basis, your transformation will grind to a halt, and you'll fall back into your old patterns.

It's like losing weight: diets are useless. What you need to change is your lifestyle. Otherwise, it's not sustainable over time.

That's why I've chosen to share this secret with you as my first training video after the release of my ebooks.

Because this is what I personally apply on a daily basis, and the secret (not hidden) of my personal, financial, romantic success as well as that of all people who succeed in life and who manage to create their own reality.

You only have to look at the interviews with the world's powerful to see that they have only one word on their lips: routine, routine, routine!

And the best thing about routines is that they're a collection of mini, even micro-actions. They require very little effort. But the key is to repeat them every day.

Many people make the common mistake of getting carried away by motivation, taking a huge step forward by changing their entire life at once, and then becoming demotivated in just a few days.

It's because the change is too violent and too big.

That's normal, my dear. Lasting change doesn't work that way.

Change only works with small actions, broken down and repeated at the right time.

And to do that, you need to know how your brain works so you know what to say to it, when and how.

I'll take care of that.

You just have to be present.

So are you ready to finally apply the method that will allow you to transform yourself in a profound and lasting way, to metamorphose yourself from the inside so that every morning for the rest of your life, you get up with the certainty that the world is at your feet, ready to bend to your desires?

This program is for you if...

  • You want to become a Femme Fatale, but you don't know where to start.
  • You've already tried to transform yourself (with my ebooks for example), but without success, and you're still looking for the reasons behind these failures.
  • You don't know how to define a routine because you're not used to having rituals in your daily life.
  • You're wondering what an effective routine should contain to effortlessly reprogram your brain.
  • You have trouble staying motivated to follow a routine.
  • You know a few methods but don't know how to combine them.
  • You feel that limiting beliefs and fears are preventing you from fully reaching your potential as a Femme Fatale.

If you recognize yourself in any of these criteria, then this transformation is your next step towards realizing your full potential.

What you will discover in this program:

  • You'll discover the composition of a complete morning routine to realize any of your desires (here, "becoming a Femme Fatale" of course)
  • You'll discover the key methods to reprogram your subconscious
  • You'll understand how your brain's neuroplasticity works and how to use it to your advantage.
  • You'll identify the origin of your beliefs and your fears to better eliminate them.
  • You'll take absolute control of your brain, your thoughts, your emotions and therefore, your life.
  • You'll master the most powerful method in the world to realize your deepest desires.
  • You'll learn to master the neurological tools necessary for your transformation into a Femme Fatale.

This 30-day program gives you access to:

Every morning from March 1 to 30, from 7 a.m. to 7:30 a.m., join me live online for a profound transformation session.

In the program :

  • 5 minutes of opening the sacral chakra, working on the body with listening to subliminal messages.
  • 10 minutes of meditation, self-hypnosis, and EFT.
  • 5 minutes of affirmations and visualizations combined with visual exercises in the mirror, all accompanied by enchanting music.
  • 10 minutes of journaling to release your emotions and make a written record of your new life (scripting).

🎁 As a bonus:

In addition to the 30 lives and replays of 30 minutes each with lifetime access, you will benefit from:

  • 5 explanatory videos detailing each method and technique used in the routine.
  • Explanatory PDFs to deepen your understanding and support you on your journey.

Necessary material :

  • Your computer/tablet/laptop
  • A yoga mat for working on the body
  • Healing stones of your choice (optional but recommended to amplify your energy)
  • Incense and/or Palo Santo to purify your space (optional)
  • A mirror to look at yourself during your affirmations, work on your gaze and dance in front of.
  • A notebook or sheets of paper and a pen to record your thoughts, progress, affirmations and scripting.

    Join me on this unique adventure and let me accompany you in the liberation of the Femme Fatale that lies dormant within you. The power is in your hands, my beauty, it's time to reveal it to the world!

    On my website, you'll discover a page dedicated to my story, as well as authentic testimonials from more than 400 women who found their way thanks to my advice.

    See you soon,


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    Des questions ?


    Avant de commencer, assure-toi que l’obsession est réellement ce que tu désires obtenir… Je me dois de t’avertir que ces techniques sont vraiment puissantes et si tu les utilises à la lettre, elles peuvent mener à des obsessions extrêmes aux répercussions presque irréversibles. Aller trop loin peut déclencher des effets indésirables tels que le harcèlement, la possessivité, la jalousie extrême et la traque obsessive.
    Alors amuse-toi mais fais attention !

    Comment accéder au programme après mon achat?

    Pour accéder au programme après ton achat, tu dois d'abord créer un compte avec le même email utilisé pour passer ta commande, et l'activer. Pour cela, clique sur le lien dans le mail de confirmation de ta commande, ou sur l'icône de connexion dans le menu principal du site, puis "Créer un compte". Après avoir créé ton compte, clique soit sur "Accéder à ma routine" dans le menu ou l'icône de connexion.

    Si tu as le moindre problème, écris-moi à


    En rejoignant la Routine Fatale, tu ne prends aucun risque car j’ai une politique de garantie "satisfait ou remboursé".
    Tu as donc 14 jours pour te rétracter et demander le remboursement total, il te suffit simplement d'envoyer un mail à

    Information produit

    Ce programme est un produit digital, tu ne recevras donc pas de produit physique. Tu pourras suivre cette formation directement sur ton ordinateur ou ta tablette. Après avoir acheté mon programme, tu recevras un email avec le lien pour créer ton espace personnel et t'y connecter. Si tu n’as rien reçu, vérifie tes spams. Si tu as le moindre problème contacte-moi à


    Tu peux me poser toutes tes questions sur ou via la page Me contacter.